Its a pretty trivial question i hope , but unfortunately i am in need of help …
I cannot do package install or pip/brew/npm in my environment , i am trying to use the tar ball obtained from location.
Currently running into issue module “asciinema” not found - i have tried updating the PYTHONPATH and it did not help.
Please help , i am a python novice too.
If you can’t use any package manager than you can download the latest release from here:
Pick either zip or tar.gz, download and extract it. For example:
mkdir -p /target/directory
tar xzf asciinema-2.0.0.tar.gz -C /target/directory
Then you can create a wrapper script with the following contents:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
PYTHONPATH=/target/directory/asciinema-2.0.0 python3 -m asciinema "$@"
Save the above script as asciinema
and put it in your $PATH
I hope this helps.
It surprises me how you are not tempted to quickly and easily promote the use of your thing by creating casts to support the explanations you give

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