2 Questions; 1 post

NOTE: I tried to make this 2 different threads, but the forum said I was blocked from posting for 24 hours due to “too many posts”; so I’m just adding them both to 1 post

:point_right:Port 4002? Admin Endpoint?

Looking at the log I’m seeing:

Running AsciinemaWeb.Admin.Endpoint with cowboy 2.10.0 at (http)

Docs say there’s no specific admin page (etc.); wondering what port 4002 is used for, and whether it should be added to my reverse proxy? (Or Authelia, and so on?)

:point_right:Custom CSS?

Let’s say I wanted to customize the look of my self-hosted asciinema server by changing the CSS; how can I do that?

He @J_Scott_Elblein :wave:

Regarding the port 4002: this endpoint is hopefully going to provide a basic admin UI, but it’s not been implemented yet. There’s a basic diagnostic dashboard at host:4002/dashboard (it’s this one GitHub - phoenixframework/phoenix_live_dashboard: Realtime dashboard with metrics, request logging, plus storage, OS and VM insights), but for the most part you won’t find it too useful unless you’d be debugging performance/resource consumption issues.

In other words, at the moment there’s not much there and exposing it in your proxy is not essential, but not harmful either (as long as you don’t expose it to the public internet, as it doesn’t do any auth).

Re custom CSS: have you checked this Customization - asciinema docs ?