Preview of the new upload behavior in asciinema CLI 3.0


The change from 2.x is that it now requires opt-in / confirmation to use as the default asciinema server.

The server URL configuration step lets you enter your own self-hosted asciinema server URL.

Also, it’s now possible to pass a server URL as the 2nd arg to the asciinema upload, e.g. asciinema upload demo.cast to override the default target, for each upload.

As before, you’ll be able to set the server URL in the config file as well.

This is still work in progress, I need to clean up the code, then I’ll push it to the develop branch.

What do you think?

EDIT: it’s already in the develop branch.

Update: custom asciinema server URL is now a global option instead of a positional argument.

Instead of passing it as shown in the demo above it’s now used like this:

asciinema --server-url upload demo.cast
asciinema --server-url auth