Gmail SMTP config not working?

Hey all,

So, I’m giving the server app a try on my own docker setup, and the SMTP config is failing even though it’s a common group of settings I’ve used for several other containers:

      SMTP_HOST: ''
      SMTP_PORT: '465'
      SMTP_TLS: 'never'
      SMTP_AUTH: 'always'
      SMTP_USERNAME: 'redacted'
      SMTP_PASSWORD: 'redacted'

My pw is an app pw because I use 2FA (it works w/my Nextcloud container), and I’m using SSL over TLS to avoid the cert stuff (tried it anyway and get an auth failed error).

The error I get with the above setup in the log is:

23:29:52.875 request_id=GBuesB [warning] email delivery error: {:retries_exceeded, {:network_failure, ‘’, {:error, :closed}}}

Any ideas anyone? Can’t sue the app w/out smtp working.

It appears this is a bug (still).

This solved it for me.

Albeit, with this warning:

02:08:07.216 [warning] Description: 'Server authenticity is not verified since certificate path validation is not enabled'
     Reason: 'The option {verify, verify_peer} and one of the options \'cacertfile\' or \'cacerts\' are required to enable this.'

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