I am a big fan of asciinema! Thanks for all of the hard work
I am using a self-hosted asciicast for a documentation page I am working on. I like the new marker feature, but it has led me to the following question:
I have a fairly long recording, and I would like to “expand” on it in the documentation. Is it possible to “only” show the image at that timestamp without having any interactive features? Ideally, I would like the single frame to be output to SVG, but since the recording will be loaded for the “video” either way, simply loading the marker timestamp as a “poster” and “disabling” interaction with the video + removing the playback button would also solve the problem.
Is there any straightforward way to accomplish this? Or am I missing an easier solution? Note that hiding the playback controls is not really what I am looking for.
I think you can achieve your goal by doing the following things:
use poster: "npt:123" option for selecting the poster frame
use control: false option to hide the control bar
cover the the asciinema player with a fully transparent div element, which will catch all use events (mouse), preventing them from hitting the player itself
Yeah… I’m not sure if the player is the right tool for your use case. The play button could also be hidden via CSS. Maybe this would do it, but that’s yet another step (hack) to make the player fit your needs.
Another idea: upload the recording to asciinema server, go recording’s settings, set the “Thumbnail frame” to your desired time, the open the SVG view of the recording by appending .svg to your recordings URL.
As this requires “manual” intervention (+ an entire upload) it is also not really what I am looking for.
i assume agg is not able to only render a single frame at a specific time, right?