Become asciinema patron

:wave: Hi!

I created asciinema in 2011 and since then I’ve been persistently working on it in my spare time, which was usually limited. I work on the recorder, the player and the server interchangeably, while also keeping up and running for all this time. I really do enjoy it all! But that’s a lot, and given steadily growing popularity of the project it’s hard for me to find enough time for it.

It would be beneficial for asciinema ecosystem if I was able to dedicate more time to the project. Therefore, I’ve set up Github Sponsors program to support asciinema:

Please consider becoming a patron if you ever thought “wow, that’s cool!” :slight_smile:

I prepared several tiers, both for individual backers and for corporate sponsors (if your company has a budget for such things let them know about this).

Another way to support asciinema is hiring me for consulting work related to any of asciinema sub-projects (recorder, player, server, other).

Your support would allow me to dedicate more time to the project, ensuring continuous maintenance, development of new features, timely bugfixes, as well as smooth operation of I haven’t been very active on this forum due to limited amount of time I could put in the project (other work pays the bills currently…) but I hope with your support this will change.

Thank you! :heart:

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